Calculator App | Food Factor

For this project I designed an app of five or more screens that calculates numbers in some way. I choose to create an app for calculating the amount of food needed for an event. The idea is to add the number of guests you expect and then add the recipes you plan on using for the event. There's no need to pay a catering company to feed your guests because the app will calculate the amount of food you need and give you an estimate of the total cost. Not only will this save you money but you won't have any food waste either. It's a win-win for your wallet and the environment too.

To begin I created sketches of the imagined design. These designs included ideas about how the app would function as well as the placement of individual icons and buttons.

The next step was to create wire-frames. These are basically a rough idea of the app without the distraction of fonts, images and colors.

All of the design iterations were tested with real people. This helped me find problems with the design and make improvements that made the app better and easier to use.

Draft #3
Finally, I started adding color and images. This version still needed refinement but gave the user a much better idea of the function and look of the final design.